
EmergingTech: ILoveSketch

ILoveSketch is a very cool application recently announced by the Dynamic Graphics Project (DGP) lab at the University of Toronto. In short, it makes sketching in 3D as intuitive as I have ever seen it. Anyone who has ever tried 3D modeling, especially an organic object, knows that the process is far from straight-forward. Sketches are usually used only as 2d reference points that have to be viewed in a single viewport.

Though ILoveSketch doesn't translate sketches directly into models, it's easy to see how helpful it could be in the process. And who knows, maybe the DGP will use this great app as a starting point for something bigger? Take a look at a video of the software in use and see for yourself!

From the site - ILoveSketch is:

"A 3D curve sketching system that captures some of the affordances of pen and paper for professional designers, allowing them to iterate directly on concept 3D curve models. The system coherently integrates existing techniques of sketch-based interaction with a number of novel and enhanced features. Novel contributions of the system include automatic view rotation to improve curve sketchability, an axis widget for sketch surface selection, and implicitly inferred changes between sketching techniques. We also improve on a number of existing ideas such as a virtual sketchbook, simplified 2D and 3D view navigation, multi-stroke NURBS curve creation, and a cohesive gesture vocabulary."

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