

Imagine moving through a scene composed of photographs. And anyone's vacation photos on flickr can be part of the mix. That's precisely what PhotoSynth aims to do. It is a product by Microsoft Live Labs that is still under development.

This is the hottest new application from Microsoft. It does very similar things as the new Google Maps Street View and looks suspiciously like the images in Minority Report. Whatever the precident, it will surely change the landscape of lifelogging as well as augmented reality and virtual worlds. The conceivable applications of this make me go cross-eyed.

A really interesting lecture by one of the team development members is Blaise Aguera y Arcas, who gave a wonderful lecture about PhotoSynth at TED about a month ago. He also introduces some other technologies by SeaDragon, which was recently acquired by Microsoft. These also make me go cross-eyed, even more than does YouTube on my cellphone.

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